


Questions and Answers on Viruses, Disease, and Sickness より


Q: As I read about the SARS virus the other day and how it attacks cells, my thoughts went to the attack in Iraq and then to my personal victim story of attack by neighbors (and my subsequent attack/defense). 


Will you please comment on forgiveness as it relates to any one of these situations and the relationship between them?


 A: You are correct in associating the three different forms of attack you mention. 


Forgiveness applies to each situation equally, because they are all the same in content.


 In each case, there are seemingly innocent victims being attacked by outside forces (victimizers), which cause suffering. All the victims may make the ego’s righteous cry their own: “Behold me brother, at your hand I die” (T-27.I.4:6).

いずれの場合も、一見、無垢な被害者が外部の力(加害者)に攻撃され、苦しみを引き起こしているように見えます。 すべての被害者は、”兄弟よ私を見よ、あなたの手で私は死ぬ”という自我のもっともな叫びを彼ら自身に叫ばせています。

 Forgiveness, as taught in A Course in Miracles, asks us to become aware of the feelings and judgments that arise when we consider each of these attack scenarios. 


Our reactions show us the beliefs we hold about ourselves as innocent victims, and our judgments against the victimizers. 


We are asked first to recognize these beliefs, and then learn to look beyond the external appearances to the real source of suffering, which is a decision in the mind to make the separation real. 


Forgiveness begins by taking responsibility for this choice and its effects (feeling attacked and victimized), without blaming anyone or anything external to the mind. 


This is what the Course means by: “…forgive the Son of God for what he did not do” (T-17.III.1:5). 


Any perceived attack, whatever form it may take, is always a reflection of the prior attack on our identity as God’s Son by choosing separation in the mind. 


This is true for ourselves, and for anyone else we perceive as suffering at the hands of others. 


The “others” include military forces, viruses, neighbors, natural disasters, etc. Our responsibility as students of the Course is to acknowledge in ourselves and in others the power of the mind to choose. 


Once we have done this, we then acknowledge that we all can use this same power of the mind to make another choice. 


Meanwhile, we do not deny the thoughts, feelings, and judgments about the situation as we perceive it, and bringing them to the Holy Spirit, our minds are free to be guided to act in the most loving way. 



